Update to Short Term Accommodation Legislation Webinar

Safetymaps Webinar

October 12th & 14th - 10:30am

The NSW Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 2000 - Div 7D Section 4.2- now requires all Short Term Rental accommodation to Install Evacuation Diagrams (4.2.1) at entrance door INSIDE the dwelling and in EVERY Bedroom - YAH Evac Diagrams.

As of 1 November all short term rental accommodation will be subject to a new Fire Safety Standard.

What does this mean to you?

Evacuation diagrams are a simple and incredibly effective piece of safety equipment. Governed by AS:3745, they appear simple to do, however to be compliant there are several elements that must be included.

Safetymaps is an industry leader in compliance signage and Evacuation Diagrams have been our core
business for over 20 years. Our Highly experienced team of draftsman and CAD operators get it right first time every time.

We will be running a series of FREE webinars for both real estates and owner leased properties to explain the new legislation and how it fits to your short term rental, we will also give tips on basic diagram design and finally have industry experts on hand for a question and answer session at the end

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