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What you need to know about school emergency floor plans
NSW Department of Education mandates school emergency floor plans Safety Maps has received information on October 24, 2022 that the New South Wales Department of Education and Training (DET) have instructed their schools with a policy directive to get their
The 7 Most Important Safety Signs for Your Workplace and How to Set Them Up
How to keep safe and meet workplace WHS requirements Keeping your workplace safe can be a difficult challenge, but it is thankfully made a little easier with the installation of safety signs and equipment. It is important to make sure
How to Passively Save Lives in An Emergency
Know where to go and what to do If you’ve ever been caught in an emergency situation, you’ve probably noticed how easy it can be for panic to set in. Perhaps you have been the one to panic, or perhaps
What You Need to Know About Evacuation Diagrams
Evacuations happen more frequently than people think due to fires and floods. As the amount of time needed to leave the premises depends on the hazard and its severity, evacuation planning become critical to businesses and the safety of their
What Do You Do in The Event of a Fire in Your Apartment Building?
Fire safety tips for residents of apartment buildings Fire is one of the most frightening and potentially destructive accidents that could happen in apartment buildings. Escaping one’s home is nerve-wracking enough. Imagine doing this from multiple stories above ground! An
5 Ways to Teach Employees About Safety
Why teach safety to employees? Employees are the lifeblood of a company. They are integral to the business’ daily operation, upkeep, and maintenance and healthy, capable employees are more productive, offering a better service. While there are workplace risks that
8 Important Safety Signs for Schools
From welcome signs to evacuation diagrams. In order for schools to be effective places where children, teens, and young adults grow, learn, and develop the skills they will need when they set off on their own, they must be a
Practical Safety Tips for Building Managers
Learn the 4 ways to help ensure building safety The role of a Building Manager is essential in the management, supervision, and maintenance of a property. Building managers have many tasks and responsibilities to help ensure that everything runs smoothly
Understanding Safety Maps: A Quick Guide for Business
Safety maps are a must in buildings. Here’s why. Every business should have safety maps in their building. These site maps, evacuation, emergency and way signage diagrams not only indicate your adherence to national safety standards, but also show that
10 Things You need To Know about Emergency Plans
A must-read for every NSW business owner and property manager. You never know when emergencies will strike. It could be a sudden fire in the building, a chemical leak in the basement, or an earthquake in the city. There are